"LIVE LOVE LAUGH" was what it said. It made me smile and think WOW how simple those words are, yet how serious they are. If we use these 3 words in our daily lives and I mean quite often, I just know things will be easier to battle. I will definitely put these words on my positive word list.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Spotting Goodness


When I become excessively critical towards others,
it means I am going in the wrong direction.
 We are usually very good at spotting mistakes, but
 we should develop the quality of also spotting goodness.
 If I can see what is good in others or in situations
 and go beyond the curtain of negativity,
I feel good about myself.
If I constantly think "he is wrong",
I instead create a barrier which blocks me
 from reaching my own goodness.
Copyright 2010 Live Laugh Love - Inspirational Words of Wisdom. All rights reserved.