Embrace Your Best Possibilities

Anger is a way of avoiding the things that will really bring
Fulfillment to your life. So is resentment.
In fact, so are envy, procrastination, perfectionism,
Apathy, overindulgence, and a whole lot of other negative
Behaviors and attitudes. They all enable you to avoid the
Fulfillment of your true purpose.
Why would you want to avoid that fulfillment? Because it
Feels more comfortable to just stay where you are.
But comfort is highly overrated. Deep down, you don't really
Want just comfort.
Deep down, you have a burning desire to express the unique
And magnificent person you truly are. Deep down, your spirit
Longs to soar to heights that you cannot even imagine.
What feels like comfort now, will soon become regret, but
You don't have to let that happen. Stop hiding from your
Purpose, embrace your best possibilities, and give life the
Beautiful meaning that you know it can have.
Copyright 2010 Live Laugh Love - Inspirational Words of Wisdom. All rights reserved.