"LIVE LOVE LAUGH" was what it said. It made me smile and think WOW how simple those words are, yet how serious they are. If we use these 3 words in our daily lives and I mean quite often, I just know things will be easier to battle. I will definitely put these words on my positive word list.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
For You Ma Online Friends...
How is it that I canfeel so deeplyfor someone I've never met?Sometimes I feel so close to youButyou're so very far away.If Ican't touch you,I hope I can at least touch your heart.Foryou have touched my heartin a very special way.It seems that fate brought us together.I was soalone until I found you.Now, whenever I think of you,I can'thelp but smile.Duringthe daymythoughts often turn to you.Our daily conversationsAre the highlight of my day.I long forthe daywhen I can touch you, hold you,feel your warm embrace.Iwant to see yourlovely smilejust before the sweetness.I want to walk with you along the beach.Iwant to treat you thewayyou should be treated.With all the respect, affection, andtenderness you deserve.I am patiently waiting for you.Because Iknow in my heart..''You are more than worth the wait''.