"LIVE LOVE LAUGH" was what it said. It made me smile and think WOW how simple those words are, yet how serious they are. If we use these 3 words in our daily lives and I mean quite often, I just know things will be easier to battle. I will definitely put these words on my positive word list.

Thursday, August 19, 2010



We all have days when we cannot push any header,
cannot hold back self-doubt,
cannot stop focusing on fear,
cannot be strong.

These are the days when we cannot focus on
 being responsible.
Occasionally, we don't want to get out of
 our pajamas.
Sometimes we cry in front of people.
We expose our tiredness, irritability, or anger.
Those days are okay. They are just okay.

Part of taking care of ourselves means
we give ourselves permission to "fall apart"
when we need to.
We do not need to be perpetual tower of strength.
We ARE strong.
We have proven that.

Our strength will continue if we allow ourselves
the courage to feel scared, weak, and vulnerable.
when we need to experience those feelings.

Today help me to know that is okay to
allow myself to be human.
Help me not to feel guilty or punish myself
when i need to "fall apart".

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Copyright 2010 Live Laugh Love - Inspirational Words of Wisdom. All rights reserved.