Honor This Day
Honor This Day  
Feel what a privilege it is to be alive today. Consider all
The possibilities available to you, right now.
See the wonder and the beauty all around you. Let yourself
Truly love who you are and where you are in this moment.
Sense the eagerness within you to get started, to make
Things happen, and to create value. That eagerness comes
From your genuine excitement about expressing yourself
Through your accomplishments.
Look at all the new ways that this day gives you to express
Who you are. Even the troubles, even the problems, and even
The obstacles give meaning to life because they give you
Something to build upon.
Life's many circumstances and situations give you a way to
Pull yourself up, and rise to a new level of being. Whatever
Comes your direction gives you a way to create value that
Will last beyond this day, value that will be with you
Honor this day, honor the possibilities in this day, honor
The love and the beauty in this day. Look around at all you
Have, and in this moment make it, in your own way, into
Something truly great.

Copyright 2010 Live Laugh Love - Inspirational Words of Wisdom. All rights reserved.