"LIVE LOVE LAUGH" was what it said. It made me smile and think WOW how simple those words are, yet how serious they are. If we use these 3 words in our daily lives and I mean quite often, I just know things will be easier to battle. I will definitely put these words on my positive word list.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Truth Behind the Words


There's always a little truth behind every
 "just kidding",
A little knowledge behind every "I don't know",
A little emotion behind every "I don't care",
A little pain behind every "it's ok."


Sunday, October 30, 2011

Failure is Simply the opportunity to Begin...

Everyone needs to be loved...
Especially when they do not deserve it.

Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself.
 ~Suzanne Somers~

In life you will meet many people. All are significant.
 They deserve your attention and care,
even if all you do is smile and say "hello".

We cannot hold a torch to light another person's path
 without brightening our own.
~Ben Sweetland~
The human race has one effective weapon--and that is laughter.
~Mark Twain~
"Things turn out best for the people who make the best
out of the way things turn out."
 ~Titus Livius~

The best way to escape from a problem is to solve it.
~Brendan Francis~

Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again,
 this time more intelligently.
 ~Henry Ford~

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Each Deed Counts

You can easily judge the character of others
By how they treat those who can do nothing for
 them or to them.
If you have been telling others - how good your character is?
Ask yourself, judge it for yourself -
What good that you have done for others who
 do any good for you Make difference to all the lives
 you touch.
When you build your character, every deed counts!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The World Is Waiting For You


Do not be afraid to shine.
The world needs what you have to give.

Open up the areas of your being;
Expose them to yourself - to others.
You are valuable. You are unique.

You have much to give.
Do not be afraid to give it.
As we risk ourselves, we grow.
Each new experience is a risk.

We can try, and maybe fail; And, as a result,
 grow or hold back and stagnate.

You have the potential to be anything you want.
 You are free to choose.
You are limited only by your fears.
 Let your dreams take over.

Fly with the eagles. Soar into life.
The world is waiting for you.

Copyright 2010 Live Laugh Love - Inspirational Words of Wisdom. All rights reserved.